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My Little Redheaded Sister

Written by Christy Lee
Illustrated by Paris Juliana

Being a big sister is a tough job—especially to a redheaded attention grabber. Find out how the big sister in this story learns how to recognize her own worth and focus on the positive things about her younger sibling. In the end, she realizes just how lucky she is.
Ages 3-8, 8”x8”

Paris Juliana

Paris was born and raised in Arizona. She’s been drawing ever since she can remember and, as a self-taught artist, has always had aspirations for a career in art. My Little Redheaded Sister is her first project as a professional illustrator, and she had a great time getting to know the girls and incorporating their personalities into the illustrations.

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Mi Hermanita Pelirroja

Escrito por Christy Lee
Ilustrado por Paris Juliana
Traducido por Maria Tirado y Zilpha Gardner

Ser la hermana mayor es un trabajo Mi Hermanita
difícil especialmente para una pelirroja
acostumbrada a la atención de todos.
Descubre como la hermana mayor en esta
historia aprende a reconocer sus propios
valores y enfocarlos a cosas positivas
acerca de su hermana pequeña. Al fi nal,
ella se da cuenta lo afortunada que es.
Ages 3-8, 8”x8”

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