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Tyler Beckstrand

Tyler is a husband, creator, and proud father of a sweet baby boy through adoption. He and his family reside in a small valley in Northern Utah, where he works professionally as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Tyler is a lover of books and is thrilled that he gets to share part of his family’s story through the book We Found You.

Bear's Book of Emotions

Bear’s Book of Emotions

Written and Illustrated by Tyler Beckstrand

This book teaches children how to identify their feelings—a necessary skill in developing emotional intelligence. By viewing emotions as valid and worthwhile, children are better able to demonstrate empathy and strengthen relationships with others—and themselves.
Ages 2-8, 8”x8”

El libro de emociones de Oso

El Libro de Emociones de Oso

Escrito y Ilustrado por Tyler Beckstrand
Traducido por Jessica Estrada y Andrea Gomez

Este libro enseña a los niños y niñas como identificar sus sentimientos - una habilidad necesaria para desarrollar inteligencia emocional. Entendiendo sus emociones como algo valioso e importante, niños y niñas pueden demostrar mejor la empatía y fortalecer sus relaciones con los demás - y ellos mismos.
Ages 2-8, 8”x8”


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